Family Mediation Week 2025

Family Mediation Week 2025

Parents urged to consider mediation as a way to build a positive future for their family during Family Mediation Week

As Family Mediation Week gets underway, running from 27th to 31st January, we are urging parents who are considering, or in the process of, separation or divorce to seek an alternative to a courtroom confrontation to settle parenting arrangements.

January traditionally sees an increase in the number of parents deciding to live apart as the various pressures that go hand-in-hand with the Christmas period act as a final straw for their relationships.

Tamsin Bailey, Family Mediator at Relationships Scotland Orkney said: “Often families who are experiencing challenges in their relationships will automatically think of court as their only option to resolve these difficult issues, but mediation can be hugely beneficial in helping separating couples agree what works for them, whilst avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay and cost it can bring.

“Family Mediation Week is about raising awareness of the benefits of mediation as a way of helping parents make decisions together, which can result in more positive outcomes for the whole family.

“When parents separate, they often don’t know which way to turn. Their life-changing decision to separate brings with it so many tough questions:  Where will the children live, and how will we make sure they spend time with each of us? How will we sort out our finances? And even the family pet?”

Family mediation is a process where an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps separating or separated couples work these things out, enabling them to avoid courtroom confrontation. Professional mediators help empower families to take control of their individual circumstances, rather than leaving it to a court to make decisions on their behalf. This confidential service is available to families in Orkney free of charge through Relationships Scotland Orkney.

92% of parents who participated in mediation told us that it helped improve their family situation and 100% would recommend the service to others. One parent told us:  “At times my ex-partner and I have been completely unable to communicate in any way apart from through the mediation service. It’s the only thing that has proved useful in helping to us keep life on an even keel for our child”.

Please click here for more information about family mediation.

Vacancy – Practice Manager

Vacancy – Practice Manager

We are looking for an enthusiastic, non-judgmental and empathetic person to join our team, with responsibility for overseeing the day-to-day running of our client services. These comprise: Counselling, Family Mediation, Child Contact and other related forms of Family Support, including Play Therapy.

We are ideally looking for someone with a background in one of these practice areas, or in Mental Health, Social Work or a related profession, including experience of managing a Registered Service. They will be experienced in trauma-informed practice, safeguarding and managing people.

35 hours per week
£32,000 – £35,000 (dependent on experience)
8% employer pension contribution

For more information about the role, please click here. For a job description and application form, please contact us at [email protected].

Closing date for applications 12 noon, Monday 10 February 2025

Volunteer Receptionists

Volunteer Receptionists

Can you spare a few hours a week to help a local charity?

Are you looking for some office experience?

We are looking for volunteer relief receptionists to help support our busy team in Kirkwall. Hours are variable but will usually be between 4 and 8pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

If you would like to arrange an informal chat about the position, please contact us on 01856 877750 or at [email protected]

RS Orkney accredited as a Living Wage Employer

RS Orkney accredited as a Living Wage Employer

The real Living Wage is the only UK wage rate calculated according to the costs of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers who choose to ensure their staff earn a wage which meets the costs and pressures they face in their everyday lives. The real Living Wage is reviewed annually and increased in line with inflation. As a Living Wage employer, we join a growing movement of over 2,500 employers in Scotland who together want to ensure workers have what they need to thrive. More information about the Living Wage is available here.